
スキル: HTML/Jade/Jinja2, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript(ES6), Angular, React,Next, Redux, Node, Express, Python, Flask, Postgres, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Knex, SQLAlchemy, React Native, EXPO, GraphQL/Apollo, REST, AWS, Heroku, Docker, CircleCI, SCRUM, XP, Vim, TDD


English version is below. アルゴリズム設計力を磨くために読み始めた本「プログラマの考え方が面白いほど身につく本」の問題例がC++で書かれているので、C++の習得も含めて今日学んだことを書いておきます。


Run a C/C++ program on terminal using gcc compiler « Learn and Try の情報によると、 コンパイル方法は2種類ある見たいです。

$ sudo g++ hello.cpp 


$ sudo g++ -o hello hello.cpp



$ ./a.out (コンパイル時に1パターン目を使用した場合)


$ ./hello (コンパイル時に2パターン目を使用した場合)


#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;

int main()
    for (int row = 1; row <= 7; row++)
        for (int hashNum = 1; hashNum <= 4 - abs(4 - row); hashNum++)
            cout << "#";
        cout << "\n";




読んでて面白いですし、C++のコーディングスキルも磨けそうです。 また、今日ぎプログラミングに参加していて気づいたことですが、トッププログラマーたちの回答はC++で書かれていることが多いため、C++でコードが書けるようになればトッププログラマーたちのコードも読めるようになって、さらにスキルアップできて、一石二鳥です。

Hello there! I have started to read awesome Japanese book that named 「プログラマの考え方が面白いほど身につく本」. The title means the book you can acquire the way of thinking a programmer does. That makes me excited reading this title! However, the examples are written in C++, so I started to learn C++ through this book. What I have learned today is how to compile a file and how to run C++ program on terminal.

I have referred the ways from the site below. Run a C/C++ program on terminal using gcc compiler « Learn and Try

Since C++ program is needed to compile before running, you have two methods to do that.

$ sudo g++ hello.cpp 


$ sudo g++ -o hello hello.cpp

In the second method, you type hello twice. And first one means the file name and the second one is to show the file path I guess.

After compiling successfully, you can run the program with two methods.

$ ./a.out (if you compiled with the first method)


$ ./hello (if you compiled with the second method)

Now you can see the result, awesome!

In addition, I will share the code that I have run.

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;

int main()
    for (int row = 1; row <= 7; row++)
        for (int hashNum = 1; hashNum <= 4 - abs(4 - row); hashNum++)
            cout << "#";
        cout << "\n";

The result is...


As long as I have joined in a programming contest, the most of the top programmers use C++ as a main language. So learning C++ through this book helps me to upgrade my problem solving ability and reading ability of top programmers' codes!! I can learn many things with this book! By the way, I hope this helps other non-C++ programmer to know how to run your C++ code!